Take the First Step

God made each of us to be in relationship with Him. He made you just so that you would get to experience the wonder of being loved by the God of all creation. His desire is that you would share in His life, walking and talking with Him. He wants you to not just survive, but to thrive in a life of fulfillment, peace, adventure and love.
The problem is that each one of us has, in our own way, chosen to reject Him. Maybe because of decisions we have made trying to promote ourselves, or maybe because of hurts we have felt at the hands of others, we have each chosen to walk away from the outstretched hand of God and try to find our own way. The Bible tells us that there is a way that seems right to people, but that in the end it will lead only to death.

We cannot live – really live – apart from God. You have felt the lack deep inside of you – we know in our inmost parts that we need God and that to be without Him ends in death. Once we have chosen to reject Him and walk away, there is no way we can get back to Him on our own. All of efforts at being good will never make us good enough to be in the presence of the Holy God. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death. This means that what we earn for our rejection of His love for us and our rebellion against Him is eternal separation from the God of life, now and forever.
Here is the good part: God knew that we faced death – both now in this life and forever in the life to come. But He loves us so much that He would not allow us to be separated from Him. He came to us, Jesus, God With Us, and took our death on Himself. He died on a cross, taking onto Himself all of our guilt and punishment. Then, three days later, He rose from the dead to make a place for us with Him now and for eternity.

Today, Jesus asks you if you would be His disciple, His follower, and His friend. He asks you to allow Him to forgive you for your rebellion and for your bad decisions. He wants to take away the heavy load you have been carrying, and to replace it with a life of love for Him and others. He has again stretched out His hand to you. Will you reach out and take it?
If you would like to start an eternal relationship with Jesus today, you just need to tell Him. Pray:
Thank you, Jesus, for loving me. Thank you for choosing to die on the cross to pay the penalty for my rebellion and failures. I admit that I have chosen to turn away from you and that I need you to save me from my sins. I turn now from my selfishness and rebellion, and instead want to follow you as Lord of my life. Thank you for giving me eternal life and adopting me as your child. I will live for you as long as I live.
Bible Teachings
Come Learn With Us
We want to know Christ, so we study His Word! We study chapter by chapter, verse by verse in our midweek studies, then topically from these same chapters and verses on Sundays.
Worship Service
10:00 am
Spanish Service
1:00 pm
Bible Class (English)
6:30 pm
Bible Class (Spanish)
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Watch Last Weeks Bible Class
It's a great time to jump in to our weekly studies; we have just begin studying through the letter to the Galatian churches. You will be informed, educated and blessed as you study along with us! Join us today in person or online.
Bible Reading Plan
November 12 - November 18
Genesis 22
Genesis 23
Ephesians 3
Psalm 24
Psalm 25
Luke 5
Luke 6
There are some things we need in order to live the kind of life we have been called to live, and these are not things we can obtain on our own. We can certainly learn to be reasonably obedient, and we can commit to and pretty much follow through in the daily practice of Bible reading and prayer. We can even clean up our act to a great extent – at least as much as people see. But we cannot transform ourselves; we cannot make ourselves alive in our spirits. And we cannot set ourselves free from sin.
But God can. It is He who calls, He who equips, He who delivers, and He who empowers. I wonder how many of us have forgotten this in our journeys, thinking that once we have trusted Him for salvation, the effort of walking in faith is all ours. It is not. You cannot do it. You cannot make yourself grow, you cannot make yourself righteous. We have trusted Him for salvation. We must also trust Him for sanctification. Follow Him and only follow Him, and trust Him in the process.